What Sets Us Apart

Innovative Research + Devout Faith

Designing research in the business world is highly competitive. Our team has spent decades working for top-in-class commercial organizations where we learned, by necessity, to apply sophisticated research methods to the most challenging issues and customer insight needs.

We carry this approach into our work in the Church.

We are not just research experts,
we are devout and faithful Catholics.

This gives us a clear advantage when it comes to helping our Catholic clients frame the issues they are trying to address, design the research that is best suited to meet those needs, and analyze the data in a way that is most helpful to the decisions the research is informing.

For Accurate Data, Nuance Is Everything… But a Catholic Perspective Means Even More

How Our Research Stands Out

A well known Pew Research study on Catholic beliefs in the United States found that only 31% of Catholics believe that the bread and wine used for Communion “actually become the body and blood of Jesus.” This has been interpreted and publicized as if it means that 69% of Catholics believe the Eucharist is just a symbol.

Our Findings

Pew Research is not a Catholic or Christian company, and the wording of this question did not precisely capture the way the Church describes Eucharistic theology. At Vinea, we carried out a similar study* and split the sample of 2,259 self-identified Catholics in two groups - one using the same wording as Pew Research, and one with language that is more aligned with Eucharistic theology.

*Our study was completed using convenience sampling.

Our study showed that 41% believe the bread and wine “actually become the body and blood of Jesus” (Pew's language). 

Using Pew Research language

Using language that “Jesus Christ is truly present in the bread and wine of the Eucharist” yielded much different results — 69% believed this to be the case.


The difference is drastic.

At Vinea, our deep understanding and love for the Catholic faith means you get the most accurate, meaningful data for your apostolate or ministry.

As Catholics…

We have foundational and firsthand knowledge of how the Church works.

During interviews, we understand what the respondent—parishioner, bishop, etc.—is saying. We don’t need to spend time asking them to explain things; rather, we can probe and get to the heart of the matter.

We draw relevant conclusions and recommendations

due to our personal knowledge of the Catholic faith.

We care beyond the immediate task at hand.

Everything we do is fed by our strong desire that the Church succeed in reaching more souls through the various ministries we help.

Core Qualities

Objective & Strategic

No matter how we feel about a topic, we will remain objective and strategic as we complete the research process. We understand the value of having accurate information, and will prioritize that to get the best insights and recommendations for our clients.

Direct & Honest

In our commercial research experience, we have recommended to start fresh when market demand is weak or nonexistent, or when the competitive landscape is too unwelcoming. We aren’t afraid to tell hard truths so our clients can make the best decisions.

Trained in a Variety of Methods

Vinea is not a messaging research company, a forecasting company, or a segmentation company. If this were a multiple choice question, we would select “all of the above.” We combine a variety of methods in our work to address varied research objectives and inform business decisions.

Learn more about our methodology and approach to data.

“Vinea Research has been pivotal in helping us determine the direction of our campaigns. Rather than make assumptions, we were able to confidently make decisions based on insights from data and research.

Kristan Hawkins

President, Students for Life

Learn More About Our Work

Vinea is honored to have worked with these Catholic organizations that utilized market research to grow their reach—and their impact.



Strategic market research for the new evangelization.

We need data and insights on the body of Christ in order to meaningfully support and nourish it. Combining market research expertise with devout Catholic beliefs, Vinea Research is committed to helping the Church better understand those it serves.

When you know what and how your audience thinks, you can reach them.