Are Catholic Apps Part of Your Ministry? Research Suggests They Should Be
A Vinea Research and Desales Media Report
What apps are devout Catholics using, and why does it matter? What features would they find most useful in a new app? How can you leverage these insights in your apostolate, ministry, or parish to better serve your audience? A new study offers insights that can help you utilize apps and explore new opportunities to connect with the devout Catholics you serve.
About the Study
In 2021, DeSales Media commissioned Vinea Research to learn more about Catholics in the United States who are dedicated to following Jesus. The study was designed to identify unmet needs of those who are intentional about their faith.
Partnering with more than 20 organizations, we surveyed 3,137 devout Catholics to gain insights for the study. Organizations included Hallow, Ascension, OSV, Franciscan University, SENT, Catholify, Damascus, Catholic Leadership Institute, and Aleteia.
The study asked questions around faith life, technology use, spiritual direction, evangelization, and community involvement.
Learn more about the study and download the full report.
App Usage among Devout Catholics: Key Findings from the Report
The study asked participants to answer some questions around their app usage, specifically around Catholic apps.
Unsurprisingly, most respondents reported having a smartphone. App usage is frequent, and the most-used apps are spread out among several popular Catholic apps.
“90% of respondents have a smartphone”
“Over two-thirds use faith-related apps daily, and 7 in 10 use faith apps regularly (at least 3 days a week).”
“Faith app use is fairly spread out across the most popular apps, but faith podcasts/videos are most prevalent.”
Top Faith Apps Used:
Laudate 22%
Hallow 19%
Formed 10%
iBreviary 10%
Magnificat 7%
Word on Fire 6%
When asked “If a new Catholic faith mobile app were to become available, which features would you find most helpful in your spiritual journey?” participants expressed interest in an app that would connect them with various faith-related opportunities.
“A Catholic app that helps discover opportunities to participate in the faith would be most helpful for respondents.”
38%: A reliable way to find nearby, upcoming Masses, confession times, adoration times, and open churches
34% said they would find a feature to locate Catholic events near me “extremely helpful”
23%: Volunteer opportunities for doing works of mercy
20%: A way to discover fulfilling ministries, small groups, faith communities, and ecclesial movements
Interestingly, participants indicate a strong interest in an app that would give them access to spiritual direction as well as a tool that would help them identify and overcome their hurdles to evangelization.
“There is significant interest in an app that allows respondents to participate in Spiritual Direction, even if it is done digitally.”
50% say they think it would be moderately or extremely helpful to have “A tool for overcoming whatever is holding me back from evangelizing more”
Catholic App Usage: Actionable Steps for Your Parish, Apostolate, or Ministry
How can you use these findings to serve the devout Catholics in your audience? There are five actionable insights we suggest.
1. Given that most participants have a smartphone, you can maximize reach by sending texts and utilizing phone-friendly emails and web pages.
Here are some tips for mobile-friendly communications:
Use short, specific copy.
Keep the design simple.
Include a clear call to action such as a button at the top of a page so it’s immediately visible.
Check both phone and desktop to see how things look on different sized screens.
2. Promote the commonly used faith apps to your group, and highlight less commonly used faith apps with unique features that may be of interest.
3. Reevaluate how you are distributing information on ways to participate in the faith. For example, find smartphone-friendly ways to distribute information about Catholic events, Mass times and sacraments, and volunteer opportunities. It could be as simple as mobile friendly emails or a text message service from the parish.
4. Consider offering spiritual direction, even if it is online, or directing people to resources for local or virtual spiritual direction.
5. Consider adding an in-person element to your virtual activities. For example, if your group is doing a novena in an app, include at least one in-person gathering during the nine days. In the midst of a tech-heavy world, people still crave human connection. While apps and technology can facilitate community virtually, nothing truly replaces in-person interactions.
What’s Next?
To gain a better understanding of your group’s Catholic app usage and experiences, inquire about how their faith life has improved or changed since using certain apps.
Ask about communication preferences (emails, texts, etc.), and consider further research to determine how you can better meet their needs.
Additionally, download the full report from Vinea and DeSales to learn more about devout Catholics’ app and technology usage, preferences, and interests. The report covered other topics as well, including the strengths and areas for growth in devout Catholics’ faith lives and evangelization skills.
Who Is Vinea RESEARCH?
Vinea Research was founded with the goal of applying proven, business-based market research methods to helping Catholic groups get the information they need to further the New Evangelization.
Vinea Research utilizes a full range of market research techniques to deliver critical customer insights that can help transform the way Catholic leadership, parishes, apostolates, and advocacy groups reach and motivate the people they serve.
Vinea Research is built on a team of experienced market research experts with deep knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith. Our mission is to support Church leadership, apostolates, parishes, and other organizations by helping them better understand those they serve through expert market research and insights.